Hello there! If you are a Manila 2nd Young Woman who is currently accomplishing her Personal Progress, this site could help you! Here, you can find the value experiences and projects that each young woman has already finished and will be completing or currently doing.

There are also free downloadable personal progress trackers, scripture reading trackers, scripture reading questionnaires and other useful stuff to help you organize and remind you of your goals and commitments.

At the Home page, you can see the events or activities that will be held for the indicated month, the young women who have birthdays, and the theme for this year.

As for the Young Women page under Home, a list of all the Young Women of Manila 2nd are listed. Shown there are their photos, birthdates, mottos, and personal progress standings.

The Help Me Too section is dedicated for sisters who are not yet being helped in their Personal Progress who would like to request help or assistance. They can be young women from other wards, single adults, or mothers who would like to earn their own medallions. It's available to everyone!

We hope that this site can assist the Manila 2nd Young Women and other sisters to finish their Personal Progress. Let's all help each other to make Personal Progress fun, easy, and fulfilling!